Using Fire Alarm Systems to Release Fire Suppression

Fire alarm systems connected to fire suppression releasing systems have specific criteria found in NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’ that must be met in order to be properly installed. This includes being listed for the agent being released and having compatibility listings with the components. This course will discuss the important factors of fire alarm system design when initiating fire suppression systems to release. Participants will also learn common challenges and best practices to consider when working with complex design requirements.

Learning Objectives:
•Identify key sections of NFPA 72 for the proper installation of releasing systems
•Learn device compatibility fundamentals for releasing systems
•Understand the design and operational fundamentals of advanced detection technologies such as flame detectors and linear heat detection

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Format: Instant Access Recorded Webinar

CEUs: Based on 1.5 contact hours of training (see CEUs tab for details)