Understanding NFPA 22 Water Tanks for Fire Sprinkler Systems

NFPA 22 ‘Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection’ provides designers, installers, engineers and building owners guidance for using and maintaining water storage tanks to supply fire sprinkler systems. Water storage tanks are not frequently used in the United States thanks to the public water supply, but for those working internationally, the use of water storage tanks is more common to provide robust and appropriate fire protection. This course examines the scope of NFPA 22 including a detailed look at its purpose, types of water tanks permitted and specific considerations for installation and maintenance. Design best practices and coordination challenges when using water tanks will also be covered.

Learning Objectives:
•Learn basic definitions and their application for Water Tanks
•Understand the types of tanks and the purpose they serve
•Explain the function of water tanks in providing for the needs of fire suppression
•Discuss the various options and considerations for design and construction of water tanks

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Format: Instant Access Recorded Webinar

CEUs: Based on 1.5 contact hours of training (see CEUs tab for details)