Fire Pump Selection and Performance (Part 2)

This webinar provides an introduction to the basic centrifugal fire pump performance guidelines and requirements based on NFPA 20. The presentation will cover rated flow and pressure guidelines and requires for fire pumps. Participants will learn the effects of diesel and electric driven fire pumps on overall pump performance. A detailed review of constructing a fire pump curve and interpreting flow, pressure, efficiency and horsepower will be given. Finally, participants will learn how to use the fire sprinkler and standpipe design criteria to select a fire pump when designing a fire sprinkler system. (This is Part 2 of the Fire Pump Basics training course.)

Learning Objectives:
•Understand centrifugal fire pump performance guideline and requirements.
•Identify the overall pump performance differences between diesel and electric fire pumps.
•Learn how to construct a fire pump curve and interpret pump performance.
•Know how to select a fire pump based on fire sprinkler design criteria.

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Format: Instant Access Recorded Webinar

CEUs: Based on 1.5 contact hours of training (see CEUs tab for details)