Fire Alarm System Upgrade Design

This course will discuss designing an upgraded fire alarm system when an existing system is being replaced. Participants will review the applicable sections of the building codes that guide when a fire alarm replacement is needed including discussion on obsolete and damaged equipment. The presentation will cover ‘like for like’ replacements versus full system upgrades and how to determine what will be acceptable to the AHJ. This session will include insight on how to communicate with the AHJ about possible solutions that will extend the life of existing fire alarm equipment or delay the need for a full system upgrade allowing your customer time to budget for the future expense. Finally, this course will cover best practices for designers when working on a fire alarm upgrade project.

Learning Objectives:
•Know how to determine the codes in effect at the time the building was built
•Understand what codes will be enforced for the upgraded fire alarm system
•Learn how to communicate a phased approach to replacing a fire alarm system
•Explain the best design practices when upgrading an existing fire alarm system

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Format: Instant Access Recorded Webinar

CEUs: Based on 1.5 contact hours of training (see CEUs tab for details)