Design Fundamentals for Fire Alarm Systems

This course will cover the fundamental aspects of fire alarm system design based on NFPA 72 ‘National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code’. While fire alarm systems can get very complex, there are basic elements to all systems that every designer should know. The presenter will discuss power requirements, including the need for secondary power and batter calculations. Participants will also learn about layout and spacing requirements for smoke detectors as well as requirements for notification devices.

Learning Objectives:
• Learn fundamental NFPA 72 requirements that apply to most fire alarm systems
• Understand primary and secondary power requirements for a fire alarm system
• Describe the basic layout and spacing requirements for initiating devices
• Explain the basic spacing requirements for notification devices

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Format: Instant Access Recorded Webinar

CEUs: Based on 1.5 contact hours of training (see CEUs tab for details)