Carbon Monoxide vs Carbon Dioxide – Differences and Detection Requirements

Both carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) have been recent topics of interest in the fire and life safety industry due to their life-threatening capabilities. This course will look at some actual events that brought attention to the risks associated with these gases. Participants will learn about the properties of these gases and how that impacts the methods of detection used for each gas type. The presenter will review code requirements for the monitoring of both CO and CO2 highlighting similarities and differences as well as best practices for detection using a fire alarm system.

Learning Objectives:
•Explain the properties of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide that create a life safety risk
•Describe detection methods available for monitoring of these gases
•Learn code requirements for carbon monoxide detection and monitoring
•Understand code requirements for carbon dioxide detection and monitoring

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Format: Instant Access Recorded Webinar

CEUs: Based on 1.5 contact hours of training (see CEUs tab for details)